Building a simple internal developer platform with ArgoCD

Hi all, in my current role as platform engineer I’m maintaining and building with a very small team a scalable kubernetes infrastructure for multiple clients in many sizes and usecases. With this post I want to showcase our approach to solve scalability and extendability of our setup and how to follow the principals of fail fast / fail often to achieve a solid solution.

11 min read

Automating Kubernetes on Proxmox

Hi all, As someone who’s spent countless hours setting up and managing infrastructure, I know how tedious and error-prone it can be to create a kubernetes clusters on different environments or service providers. But what if I told you there’s a way to make this process a whole lot easier? Enter Terraform - a powerful tool for automating infrastructure deployment - which many of you readers may already be aware of. So let’s skip the broad introduction and get right into the details.

3 min read

Nexus Configuration Hell

Hi all, I wanted to move all my artifacts back into my homelab to be able to run it airgapped. To reduce the overhead of running multiple services to achieve this goal I’ve comitted myself on running the sonatype nexus repository manager. Through their broad community support multiple package types are supported by one solution. To survive the administration configuration hell of the repository manager and store a configuration as code within my git, I opted towards writing multiple terraform modules to configure my nexus. The following blog post shall give you a broad overview how I approached the issue and explain how to use my modules for this specific usecase.

6 min read

Yet Another Random Templater

Hi all, in my current role as platform engineer for the Hamburg Port Authority we need to keep the velocity high to provide a good service for our internal clients. As result most of our infrastructure is created through templates in any way.

2 min read

VMWare Tanzu Certificate Renewal

Hi all, some projects and clusters may enter a maintenance mode in their lifetime and dont receive any updates, changes or even patches for a long time. If something like this happens it may be neccessary to rotate the certificates used by control planes. The control planes of vmware tanzu provide this functionality via kubeadm.

1 min read

MetalLB Custom Resource Configuration

Hi all, with the version 0.13.2 of metallb comes a change in regard to layer2 ip announcements. Therefor it is now required to switch from the old configmap setup to a custom resource setup. To document my upgrade steps - here is a small write-up of things required to get metallb running again.

1 min read

Homelab Victoria Metrics Setup

Hi all, as some of you may know, I’m interested in homelabbing and are hosting my own kubernetes cluster at home. As part of a good homelab it is essential to keep track of logs and metrics. The number one goto application for this usecase is often the kube Prometheus Stack, which is in my humble opinion a bit to big for my homelab in regard to memory, compute and storage footprint. While looking for alternatives I stumbled upon Victoria Metrics which seems to be a perfect fit for my usecase.

8 min read

ArgoCD Multi-Cluster Deployments

Hi all, I’m currently working on refactoring the way to set up kubernetes clusters within the infrastructure of my current employer. (Role: Platform Engineer) Due to growing configuration requirements and time-consuming decisions we’ve decided within our team that it is time to refactor the stack and try out something new. The current setup is based on flux-cd with a self-written templating software to render manifests based on a single configuration file. This configuration file is called config.yaml, who would have guessed that, and contains all critical information to bootstrap and deploy a new cluster environment. Basic manifests are provided from an internal kubernetes service catalog which is version pinned for a cluster. The rendered manifests are stored within a dedicated kubernetes-clusters repository (${}/cluster.generated/${}) and are initially deployed with a ci/cd approach to apply the tanzu kubernetes cluster and kickstart flux-cd on it. After the initial setup: flux-cd picks up the stored manifest files within the kubernetes cluster repository and installs everything.

8 min read

Kustomize up your Helm chart

Hi all, it’s been some time since I wrote my last article here. I switched jobs, started reading a lot more, worked on different projects so that blogging came way to short. With the new year I want to try to write at least a monthly entry with one new thing I learned and want to share. The following post describes the helm chart capabilities of kustomize and how to use it in your workflow.

3 min read

Debian Bullseye - Update to latest nvidia drivers

Hi all, due to the awesome progress with proton and the integration in steam.. lets be honest… there is no need for Windows if you are not playing games that are competetiv nor secured via kernel-level anticheat. I’m also working most of my time with containers and kubernetes environments. Integrations of those two in windows are more or less not existing. Due to the wsl it gets better but it’s not quite native yet. Switching to an open operating system was the next logical step in my mind sooo.. here we are.